Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Rules for Integers

Rules for Integers Integers are numbers which include all the positive and negative numbers and dont include fractions. Integers are denoted by Z. There are different rules which are applied to integers. Mentioned here are some useful rules applied for integers. Add/ subtract Integers: If the numbers have the same sign add the numbers and keep the sign. If numbers have different signs, subtract them and keep the sign of the integer with greater absolute value. Multiply/ Divide Integers: If the numbers have the same sign then the answer has a positive sign. If the numbers have opposite sign then the answer has a negative sign. Example 1: Find the solution for 3 [ 2 + (6 - 10) ]? Solution: Given is 3 [2 + (6 - 10) ] integers with different mathematical operations. Start with the inner bracket (6 -10) = -4 This gives 3 [2 + ( 4)]. Now 3 [ 2 4 ] = 3 [ -2 ]. Multiplying the integers with opposite signs gives 3 * - 2 = -6. Hence the solution to the question is -6. Example 2: Find the solution for 5 [ 7 + (12 - 15) ]? Solution: Given is 5 [7 + (12 - 15) ] integers with different mathematical operations. Start with the inner bracket (12 -15) = -3 This gives 5 [7 + ( 3)]. Now 5 [ 7 4 ] = 5 [ 3 ]. Multiplying the integers with same signs gives 5 * 3 = 15. Hence the solution to the question is 15.

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