Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Rules for Integers

Rules for Integers Integers are numbers which include all the positive and negative numbers and dont include fractions. Integers are denoted by Z. There are different rules which are applied to integers. Mentioned here are some useful rules applied for integers. Add/ subtract Integers: If the numbers have the same sign add the numbers and keep the sign. If numbers have different signs, subtract them and keep the sign of the integer with greater absolute value. Multiply/ Divide Integers: If the numbers have the same sign then the answer has a positive sign. If the numbers have opposite sign then the answer has a negative sign. Example 1: Find the solution for 3 [ 2 + (6 - 10) ]? Solution: Given is 3 [2 + (6 - 10) ] integers with different mathematical operations. Start with the inner bracket (6 -10) = -4 This gives 3 [2 + ( 4)]. Now 3 [ 2 4 ] = 3 [ -2 ]. Multiplying the integers with opposite signs gives 3 * - 2 = -6. Hence the solution to the question is -6. Example 2: Find the solution for 5 [ 7 + (12 - 15) ]? Solution: Given is 5 [7 + (12 - 15) ] integers with different mathematical operations. Start with the inner bracket (12 -15) = -3 This gives 5 [7 + ( 3)]. Now 5 [ 7 4 ] = 5 [ 3 ]. Multiplying the integers with same signs gives 5 * 3 = 15. Hence the solution to the question is 15.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Are Photography Courses Needed to Become a Professional Photographer

Are Photography Courses Needed to Become a Professional Photographer Could Photography Classes Ignite your Career as a Professional Photographer? ChaptersPhotography Courses: Are They a Necessity?What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Photographer?Types of Photography CareerThings to Consider Before You Become a PhotographerWhether it’s a high-profile news reporter who is known around the world for hard work in photojournalism, a street photographer or a famous fashion photographer capturing the stars on camera, there are many people who inspire others to enter the profession of photography.For many years, with the increased accessibility to photography equipment and the boom in popularity of social media, taking and sharing impressive photographs is now easier than ever.With tools and editing software readily available, anyone can now declare themselves a photographer â€" even if they have not received any formal photography training.So, this begs the question: are photography classes necessary to become a professional photographer? ·                 Event photographyThis is another category of photography which encomp asses a wide range of possibilities.Event photographers are invited to private events such as weddings and awards ceremonies to capture the event on camera and help immortalise the day through taking pictures. Common events also include music festivals, nightclub events, birthdays and other celebrations. ·                 Fashion photographyAnnie Lebovitz, Helmut Newton, Patrick Demarchelier… there are many famous names associated with fashion photography.Looking after some of the world’s most high-profile celebrities and working for the biggest fashion brands and magazines is what budding fashion photographers dream of â€" but achieving this level of responsibility demands decades of experience.It’s not all about the potential of meeting some of the most highly-paid fashion models, though. A fashion photographer’s job is to work with the clothes they are given and make them look their best to win customers for the designer.For this reason, fashion photography could be consi dered as a type of commercial photography.Things to Consider Before You Become a Photographer ·                 Have you had any feedback from professional photographers?Before you go it alone, it is incredibly important that you evaluate your work within the context of professional photography. Getting feedback and advice on your photography skills from experts will give you a better chance of success one you launch your business.It is necessary to have the right business skills, especially if you want to become a freelance photographer. Understanding the different photography industries is also essential.There is a variety of ways you can ask for this feedback. For example, you may wish to set up an exhibition of some of your work to give others a taste of your style. ·                 Do you know how to get your photos seen?Exposure is what will get you customers.When it comes to photography, the work generally speaks for itself â€" but you have to give it a voice.Building a webs ite will give you a change to showcase your work and even gain customers ¦ source: VisualhuntSetting up an online gallery or a website where you can post your work can act as a window into your style and technical skills. ·                 Do you want to work as a photographer on a part-time or full-time basis?Whether your full-time activity is a job or you’re a student, your current career situation will surely influence the direction you choose to take when it comes to your photography training and the level of expertise you aim to reach. ·                 What kind of service would you like to provide?Again, the places your expertise can lead you to and the place you want to end up in your photography career may be incredibly different. If this is the case, you’re going to need some more training. If you just want to take and sell your photographs, you can turn it into a career, however, if you want to be a wedding photographer, you’ll need the relevant training first.The art of photography is a beautiful one, and unlike many hobbies, photography can be turned into a career without too much difficulty. However, be prepared for the competitive nature of the industry. Photography jobs are often filled quickly and to be truly successful in the industry takes time and motivation.There are, however, lots of things you need to know before you fully commit to professional photography. For instance, becoming a full-fledged professional will not be possible unless you have mastered the art of photography. This means learning and using a range of photography techniques, understanding photo-editing software and using the correct equipment.For those who dream of turning their passion into a career, there is the option of photography instruction.Signing up to a photography course, regardless of whether it’s a beginner or advanced photography class, educate you and help you take your photography to the next level as you are accompanied by a professional instruct or.So, if you’re passionate about taking pictures and want to make a career out of it, don’t wait any longer! Decide on what sort of photography interests you and sign up to a course today!

How to use emotional intelligence to maximize your introverted nature - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to use emotional intelligence to maximize your introverted nature - Introvert Whisperer How to use emotional intelligence to maximize your introverted nature By now, as someone who identifies as an introvert, you will most likely have identified some of the strengths you share and challenges you face alongside other introverts. Introverts have a special talent to slow down the pace of thought and think through propositions calmly and rationally before reacting, to listen to the ideas of others and take them somewhere new, and to enjoy the intimacy of developing projects by yourself or in a one-to-one situation. However, it is not unlikely that you are sick of being misunderstood or labeled as ‘anti-social’, of being pressured into group meetings, or expected to ping ideas back and forth before you’ve had a chance to think them through. Well, just because you have the thoughtful metabolism of an introvert, it doesn’t mean your emotional intelligence (EQ) couldn’t be a little more finely tuned to help you make the most of your unique skills and to navigate troubled waters. EQ refers to the ability to detect your own emotions and those of others, to process and manage them, and ultimately to utilize them for the better. Applying EQ techniques to situations you find yourself in as an introvert can help you to emerge from them fulfilled and productive, and to counteract and resolve the misapprehension of others towards your way of doing things. For example, when you’re in a meeting and you get that sinking feeling of seeing a colleague’s disappointment that you don’t yet have anything to add to the conversation, look at your emotions. Are they helping you? No. So you know you need to take steps to make future situations run more smoothly. And look at your colleague’s emotions. What do they see when they look at you? What else is going on in their work day to make them frustrated? Identifying the misunderstanding between the pair of you can empower you to speak to them alone later, resolve the issue, and set a  firmer groundwork for how you can operate together in future. For more ideas on how to harness the power of your emotional intelligence, check out this new visual guide from NetCredit. Being an introvert may mean you are closer to your emotions, but without deeper study, you may never understand them!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Easy Essay Outliner

Easy Essay Outliner Just fill out a form to create your outline. What could be easier?   Are Essay Outlines Difficult for You? Not any more. I have broken down essay outlining into a series of easy steps. All you have to do is answer a few questions, make a few choices, and the Virtual Writing Tutor builds your essay outline for you. Opinion Essay Outline Writing an opinion essay outline is the most common essay outline that teachers will ask you to write. They want an introduction with a thesis, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion that restates your thesis. Simple, right? No so fast! The internal workings of an effective introduction can be a bit complex, but weve made it easy for you. Step 1 How will you generate interest in your topic? How will you grab the readers attention? Here are 6 easy ways to do it. ask an engaging questionintroduce a surprising factmake a controversial statementoffer a statisticprovide a famous quoteshare an anecdote Step 2 Take a stance on a controversial topic or practice and tell the reader if you for or against it. Step 3 Define your terms and limit the scope of your essay topic to give your essay focus. You need to tell the reader what exactly you are talking about and what you are not saying. So if you are arguing about a certain practice in education, make it clear that you mean formal institutional education or informal tutoring or coaching. Then, limit your topic by saying whether you include or exclude elementary, secondary or university education in your analysis. This is a step that students often forget, and the essay can easily go off track because of it. Step 4 Now, say what should happen. This your thesis statement, the crux of your argument. To this thesis statement, add two broad reasons why. Thes two reasons tell the reader what the next two paragraphs will be about. Step 5 The next two body paragraphs will explain your two reasons in turn, and they will offer examples and illustrations to support and clarify each reason. Step 6 To conclude, restate your position, and then you must tell your reader what to do next. You have explained the problem and given reasons why above, but now you must tell the reader how they can help. Make a prediction about what will happen in the future if enough people accept and act on your suggestion. The end. Use the opinion essay outliner to help you with each step Argument Essay Outline The argument essay is like an opinion essay with one big difference: you must identify a counterargument, concede, and refute! We make it easy for yourself with the Argument essay outliner. Once the outline is ready, the essay writes itself. The thinking and structuring has been done. The student need only elaborate the key points with examples and evidence form sources with citations. An example of an outline You can print out the outline to hand in to your teacher or generate a PDF to save or send it to a classmate. Prioritized List Essay Outline Unfortunately, the prioritize list essay is a rather rare discourse model, but it is reminiscent of a listicle blog post. Many teachers neglect to teach this type of essay, so if your teacher tells you to do your own thing, a prioritized list essay is what you should write! It is a great choice for the enthusiast hoping to stir up enthusiasm despite apathy or weak support.   And weve made it so easy that it practically writes itself. What to do next? Thats easy. Write your essay outline here. You will need a free account on the Virtual Writing Tutor so that you dont lose your work. Please follow and like us:

How Do College Students Spend Their Time

How Do College Students Spend Their Time Anna L Nov 14, 2018 Find a Top Rated College Tutor Near You! It's simple and secure - Get real results fast. Find expert private tutors at reasonable rates today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson A common question asked by parents, student, faculty and staff is how do college students spend their time? Because a lot of them do not seem to be spending all the time needed in classrooms or on their school work. Heading off to college is one of the most exciting experiences in a young person’s life. The idea of furthering their education, gaining independence and making new friends all make college life appealing. Naturally, there is some stress and anxiety involved as well. Students wonder how they will manage the course workload and how they will support themselves financially. Whether you are a future student or a parent, you may be interested to know how many hours college students study per week â€" is study really as all-encompassing as you think? Read on to find out more. How Do College Students Spend Their Time Of course the focus of college is gain a quality education that will set students up for a successful future. Classes, focus groups, exams and assignments all play a significant part in the educational experience, so it may surprise you to discover that this isn’t where most students spend most of their time. A study by the Bureau of Labour Statistics found that in a 24-hour period, students only spent 3.5 hours on educational-related activities (1). It is important to note that this figure includes classes as well as extra time spent on assignments, homework and exam preparation. The University of Michigan â€" Flint recommends that students spend 2-3 hours of study for every credit hour each week (2). So let’s do some math. 1 course = 3 credit hours = 6-9 hours of study each week. Approximately. Full time students undertake 12-18 credit hours each semester, therefore the expectation of time spent on extra homework and study is anywhere between 24 and 54 hours each week. Seems like a lot. And remember, this is recommended homework and study time, you have to factor in the actual 12-18 hours that students spend in the classroom. This brings the weekly total to somewhere between 36 and 72 hours! The Bureau of Labour Statistics released their findings based on a 24-hour period, so if we alter the guidelines from a weekly figure to a daily one, it is recommended that students spend 5.14 â€" 10.29 hours on education activities each day. These results make it a fair assumption that students are not as time-laden with their educational responsibilities as they make out to be. So where do college students spend the majority of their time? And can they find more time to focus on their studies. Keep reading. Image courtesy of Flickr.com How Long Should I Study Where is Time Spent? It will come as no surprise that the majority of time in a 24-hour period is spent sleeping, around 8.8 hours. Sleep is important so it is probably worth leaving that time as it is. So are there other areas that students could decrease the time spent in order to optimize their study time? The chart below highlights the results from the BLS Time Use Survey, showing that the other two sizeable chunks of time are spent on sport and leisure, and work related activities. The former probably comes as no surprise, after all, isn’t college also about having fun? The work factor adds a great discussion point. Many students need to work to support themselves financially, even full time students, so quite often it will take priority. To ask students to cut their work hours may not always be possible. Likewise sport commitments may also be difficult to decrease. Sure, it is probably safe to say that time spent watching television could be less, but realistically, with only 24 hours in a day, there is only so much a college student can get done. How Much Time Do College Students Spend on Social Media? While the BLS results included an ‘other’ section, it is not clear what type of activities this may include. It is reasonable to consider the use of mobile phones and social media in this category (although it may also fall under leisure activities). Either way, it is no doubt a large part of a college student’s life. With mobile phones often acting as an extra appendage in the hands of young people, the results of an online survey conducted by Baylor University offers the following information; “The students reported spending the most time texting, with an average of 94.6 minutes a day. That was followed by sending emails (48.5 minutes), checking  Facebook  (38.6 minutes), surfing the Internet (34.4 minutes), and listening to music (26.9 minutes).” (3) This same study concluded that women use their phone a hugely time consuming ten hours each day!! Their male counterparts spend almost eight hours. This is a lot of time. Of course people need to use phones to maintain communication lines and relationships, and emails may often be school-related, but it certainly gives some good for thought when it comes to effective time management. Average Time College Students Spend Studying Naturally some subjects are more time consuming than others. Equally, there may also be a difference between first year students and seniors. Results from the National Survey of Student Engagement shows that various course majors spend different amounts of time on extra homework and study. The table below compares various courses and how much time students spend preparing for class. A large proportion of engineering students spend more than 20 hours each week, while most business or finance students fail to hit the 20 hour mark (4). The differences in course material and faculty expectations could account for these differences, but it shows that regardless of the course, students don’t seem to be doing enough outside the classroom to gain the academic results that they are truly capable of. Based on the results of the time use survey and how many study hours are recommended, it will come as no surprise that 22% of engineer majors who spend more than 20 hours each week preparing for class, still feel unprepared (4). Perhaps There is too Much Partying… There is the common thought that college students spend countless hours in a day hanging out at parties and spend far too much time hanging out with their friends instead of focusing on the fact that they have come to college to gain an educational qualification. A study by UCLA shows that this is, in fact, not necessarily the case. The amount of time freshman students spend socializing and drinking have both declined over recent years (5). But, how much time do college students spend on social media? Students clearly aren’t spending their newfound time on studying, so perhaps phones and social media have a lot to answer for? What Does All of This Mean? Whichever way you look at it, college students are not spending as much time on their actual education as they could or should be spending, that much is clear. However, with the large gap between what is recommended and what students are doing in reality, one has to wonder if the educational expectations are too high. Equally, college students are still graduating successfully, so they must be doing something right. Socializing and drinking have decreased, but the use of mobile phones and social media is on the rise and soaring. Students still work to support themselves and there will always be time spent on sleeping, eating, life stuff and travel. Overall, students are attending college in an ever-changing world â€" one where internet use is becoming more and more essential, and social networking may have just as much of an impact on future employment as do their educational results. There should always be more time spent for educational activities, but perhaps it is just not as essential as once thought. And thats our review of how college students spend their time! We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson https://www.bls.gov/tus/charts/students.htm https://www.umflint.edu/advising/surviving_college https://www.baylor.edu/mediacommunications/news.php?action=storystory=145864 http://nsse.indiana.edu/NSSE_2011_Results/pdf/NSSE_2011_AnnualResults.pdf#page=16 https://www.heri.ucla.edu/monographs/TheAmericanFreshman2014.pdf

7 Tips for Your College Freshman Year

7 Tips for Your College Freshman Year Starting college can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be if you have the right mindset. Follow the following steps if you want to be able to stay calm, focus on your goals, and have a fun time in your first year of higher education!1.) PrioritizingPrioritizing is one of the best actions you can take to become a successful student. To prioritize, you must first determine what is important to you. Since you want to be a successful at school, it’s best to ensure your assignments get organized in a way that’s manageable and won’t let you miss any deadlines. Just remember: the opposite of prioritizing is procrastination!2.) Early Submission = Less StressUsually during the school year, there are times where things seem to be piling up and you think, “ My teachers are out to get me!” Though there is no real evidence to prove that your teacher wants you to be miserable, it’s your responsibility to make sure you meet those deadlines. Hence, when you submit an assignment ear ly, it tends to make the school year just a little less stressful.3.) Ask Lots of QuestionsIf you’re like me, you get this tremendous fear that seems to take over your body when you want to raise your hand in class. Most of this fear is associated with either stumbling over your words while talking or thinking you maybe asking a “stupid” question. It may seem cliche’ and you may have heard this numerous times throughout your life but there are NO STUPID QUESTIONS! While in class, you are there to learn new things and they won’t always come across easy the first time around. So asking questions can help you understand the material better and not just for yourself, but your classmates as well who may be too shy to broadcast their own voices.4.) Review new material the same dayI know. Once you get out of class, you just want to go back to your room and relax. The last thing you would want to do is review all the material you just spent a hour or so going over in class. Howeve r, with the teacher’s voice and notes freshly imprinted in your mind, it makes it easier to remember the concepts when you review material the same day. Repetition helps with retaining more information.5.) One hour spent in class = Two hours of studying outside of the classroomThere never seems to be enough time in the day, especially when school is in session. However, there are positive effects when you follow the concept for every hour spent in class, you should spend two hours studying. This does not mean you have to sit in a cold library by yourself and stare at your books for an additional two hours. Studying outside of the classroom can involve speaking with your teacher about information you may not be sure of or getting together with your fellow classmates to form study groups.6.) There are resources EVERYWHERE!Thanks to technology, it has becoming easier to learn anything from virtually anywhere! Especially with the invention of a wonderful thing called the Internet! Yes , this wonderful modern world we live in has enabled us to learn basically anything via videos and instructional blogs. Hence, don’t be afraid to use what this world has blessed you with. YouTube is a life-saver! 7.)Stay Positive!So you got a bad grade on your first test. Yes I know; it sucks! You feel like you put your all into it but it still did not turn out the way you expected. Nevertheless, you can’t let this break your spirits. Instead, you should use it to fuel yourself into putting in more effort and time to achieve a higher grade next time.

Bringing Up a Child to Become a Leader

Bringing Up a Child to Become a Leader In todays world, the conditions of competition, for many parents is to want their child to stand out from the middle peasant by a bright personality as a leader. With this image they associate many expectations. There is an idea from which leaders can earn a lot by achieving success in life and have access to all the benefits.  Somehow miraculously they are doing well in the family and in their careers.  This is the best future that parents wish for their children.  It helps to figure out how to make the leader out of the child, and, it ensures success is guaranteed to him. Therefore, here is the complete appropriate procedure to rise a leader in your child: From the Beginning There are several pitfalls on this good path, and if you basically think about how  to raise a child successfully  and not happy, you may have fallen into one of them.  Most often this trap of their ambitions. Therefore, the parents who have not achieved the life success that they thought for themselves, often  overload this task on the child  .They do not take into account its propensities and resources, impose their will, and together with it a hundred developing circles from early childhood.  Often already to school, these  children experience an overload  and they begin to have problems with the assimilation of information, even if before they had good data.  The child becomes distracted and inattentive, refuses to engage at all or begins to often get sick.  He seems to be dumb, parents are horrified, and their plan for intensive development for the next five years melts along with the image of a successful son or daughter.  Let us reformulate for the use of the business.  The id ea of ??making a leader out of a child it gives fanaticism, while developing leadership qualities in it is reasonable and useful. You can distinguish three key qualities of a leader that can and should be educated in a child: Initiative Responsibility Planning time and goals Bonus can be said about such a skill as the desire to exceed standards. Initiative Leaders can differ from ordinary people in that they do not swim with the flow, but themselves rule their destiny.  One of the main qualities to make life as you want is initiative. Initiative can and should be encouraged from an early age.  Its formation begins with the fact that you support the childs impulses to do something on your own: dress, sweep the floor, and go to the store- attention- even if it seems to you that he will cope with the task badly. Encourage important any attempts, regardless of the result, which they brought.  At such moments, keep in focus that you develop quality in the child initiative, and do not teach it a specific skill: clean sweep or immaculately nail the nail. Mastering a skill is a separate process and you can return to it at another time.  With the initiative this does not work you either support the momentum here and now, or suppress it, and with it the desire of the child to manifest itself in general. Support the initiative of the child and provide instructions: how it works, what options can be and how to do it optimally.  Together, discuss the result and say that the next time you can add to get better. Responsibility for selection That the child has  learned to bear responsibility   it is necessary for him to transfer this responsibility.  Responsibility always goes bundled with a choice.  What does this mean?  To demand responsibility from the child is possible only for those decisions which he has chosen independently. The algorithm for creating such a liability is as follows: In the first step, we give the child options: Are you going to be ice cream right now or in the evening?  Are we going to the park or to the playground? In the second step, we  explain what each option will follow: You can eat your ice cream now but then in the evening, when we eat everything together, your portion will not be there anymore. To be responsible for the chosen solution means to cope with the consequences of your choice.  (Here it is important for parents to be consistent and to act according to the proposed scenario) In the third step, we  explain to the child how to deal with the consequences of the choice that he made: If you are offended and sad in the evening while others are eating ice cream tell your friends that you ate your portion at daytime and call them to play with you sooner. Constructive sequence is mentioned below: we accept honesty if the child confesses we discuss why it happened, what motives, intentions we say how to eliminate the consequences send the child to eliminate the consequences responsibility Planning Absolutely accurately formed leadership skill is the  planning of time.  Its great if the parents themselves have this habit in this case the child adopts it organically and without special efforts. The most familiar and affordable option in time planning is the scheduling of the day.  What is important are mentioned below: 1. Make a schedule with the child, discuss how much time it will take, what to include in the plan necessarily, and what is optional. 2. Do not make a rigid per-minute sect.  It is enough to prescribe the sequence of actions and to designate check-points fixed points: the time of the beginning of classes, circles, going to sleep and so on. 3. On weekends, talk to your child about the plan for the day: what and when you want to do, so that from the very morning he had a basic picture of the day, or better both days off. 4. Give the child a simple mechanical timer teach him to pinpoint time, how much he spends on this or that thing. This is a great help in time management and self-discipline.  Agree on an approximate amount of time for each case.  I began to do my homework 30 minutes.  I sat down to play fixed an hour.  Time is up the timer has rung a signal to change activities.  Here an important point: the timer should really be mechanical, and not built into the phone or tablet.  Do not exacerbate the attachment to gadgets. Planning goals  is a task that can be put to children, starting from 10-12 years. Before undertaking any business, say what result you would like to receive.  As in all other qualities, this is the case when children ideally learn from their parents. The characteristic of a leader as the desire to exceed the standards Pay attention to the childs ability to perform some tasks (those that seem interesting to him), especially well, above the standard requirements.  Consider here two points: It is important to choose the tasks that are really of particular interest to your child. It is important to stimulate it to show creativity, when the average result is achieved, ask questions, come up with: how it could be improved-deepened, making the result more interesting. Imperative steps for educating a leader Parents, of course, need to lay the resource of forces and time on special attention to the formation of these qualities in the child.  Keep in mind, the best thing is that children learn by observing their parents: effective, who value and rationally use their time, plan and achieve the goal. Education of these qualities may not make the child a superman, but will definitely help him in solving life problems. Provided that in the first place parents accept and unconditionally love their child, and only in the second that they bring up.